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The MIREN rock survey

On this page, you will find the necessary documents if you want to join the MIREN rock survey and want to include your data into our growing database.


The overall goal of the Mountain Invasion Research Network (MIREN) rock survey protocol is to study rock cliff vegetation around the world. We aim to (1) investigate the impact of rock climbing on these communities, (2) investigate the impact of rock climbing on the spread of alien plant species, (3) study the importance of rocks in species ranges edges, (4) compare the species composition of rock cliff vegetation with their surroundings and (5) assess the importance of the rock microclimates as microrefugia and on the distribution of rock vegetation.


Data generated using the standardized protocol can be used to evaluate and quantify the processes and mechanisms shaping rock cliff communities at regional to global scales. We thus encourage the implementation of the protocol across the globe.


We primarily target bolted climbing routes (sport climbing, with fixed anchors), but we are open to trad(itional) climbing routes (without fixed anchors) as well. Note that the MIREN rock survey has grown out of a passion for climbing and rock vegetation and is not associated with any project funding. We thus cannot financially support regions with their contributions.

If you plan to join MIREN rocks, please let us know at!

Deadline for data submission for the first analysis: October 30th, 2024. Data still very wuch welcomed after that date for subsequent analyses!

The MIREN rock survey is managed by
Koenraad Van Meerbeek (KULeuven, Belgium), Jonas Lembrechts (Utrecht University, the Netherlands) and Sarane Coen (University of Antwerp, Belgium)

If you need further information,

you can contact us by sending an email to

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